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The annual general meeting (AGM)

Mycronic’s annual general meeting will be held on Wednesday 8 May 2024, at 5:00 p.m. at the company's headquarters on Nytorpsvägen 9 in Täby.

Annual general meeting for Mycronic took place on the headquarter in Täby, May 9 2023.

Requests from shareholders must have been submitted no later than seven weeks before the annual general meeting, or at least in sufficient time for the matter, if necessary, to be included in the notice to the annual general meeting.

Annual General Meeting, May 8 2024, Täby

Digital registration for the Annual General Meeting, click here.

Digital post voting form, click here.

  1. Notice to Annual General Meeting 2024
  2. The Board's statement on dividend and buyback
  3. Proposal on establishment of a Nomination Committee
  4. Nomination Committee’s statement
  5. Remuneration report 2023
  6. Auditor’s report regarding renumeration to Group Executive Management
  7. Proxy
  8. Postal voting form

Annual general meeting

The AGM is the Company’s highest decision-making body. All shareholders have the right to participate in the AGM and to exercise their voting rights relative to their shareholdings. Rules regarding the AGM can be found in the Swedish Companies Act and the Articles of Association. Notice to attend the AGM shall be made four to six weeks prior to the meeting through an announcement in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar and in a press release published on the company website. Issuance of the notice shall be announced in Svenska Dagbladet. Shareholders who wish to participate in the Meeting must submit an application in accordance with the information in the official notification.

Articles of association