Showcasing student career exploration: Mycronic hosted the Swedish Minister for Education and Tekniksprånget
Yesterday, we welcomed Mats Persson, the Swedish Minister for Education, and Tekniksprånget at our facility in Täby. This was an opportunity to present our collaboration with Tekniksprånget and to share insights on how we work to attract more young talents to engineering.

Our talented and enthusiastic Tekniksprångare (young engineering interns) delivered an inspiring presentation to the Minister. Charlott Samuelsson, Senior Vice President of Pattern Generators, and Andreas Bergström, Group Manager of Jet Technology (High Flex), also introduced their respective divisions and emphasized the importance of attracting young talents to engineering.
The Minister discussed with our interns, inquiring about their way to Tekniksprånget and their experiences so far. Tekniksprånget is a program that provides young individuals with the opportunity to experience life as an engineer for a couple of months. The insightful answers provided by our interns left no doubt: a career in engineering is a compelling path forward.
Following an engaging exchange between the Minister and representatives from Tekniksprånget and Mycronic, discussions centered on strategies to encourage and inspire more students to pursue higher education, particularly in engineering and related fields.
In summary, this visit facilitated the transfer of valuable knowledge. We were happy to introduce the Minister to Mycronic and our industry. It was also a great opportunity to share what we believe to be the benefits of early career exploration for students, empowering them to make informed choices about their future paths.
Learn more about our collaboration with Tekniksprånget here: