MYTower 5x component storage
- Extended storage capacity High storage capacity of 2,052 reels. Outstanding storage ratio of 1,057 reels/m².
- Flexible storage Designed to store large quantities of 7” reels.
- Extended usage Can be used as main warehouse or buffer storage.
The MYTower 5x is perfect for customers with height restrictions, looking to store as many reels as possible, whilst utilizing as little floorspace as possible.
Perfect for storing large quantities of 7′′ reels, with a maximum capacity of 2,052 reels in a footprint less than 2 m².
Can be used both as a main warehouse or as buffer storage close to your production line.
Components where you need them – when you need them
The MYTower closes a gap in flexible SMT manufacturing where up until now, reels had to be physically found and retrieved, one at a time, from space-consuming and inflexible storage systems. The MYTower needs barely one square meter of floor space to store up to 740 reels, and it can be integrated into existing material handling systems.

No more mix-ups with accurate component tracking
Regardless of whether you need a single reel or tray, or need to automatically process a complete kitting list, this material handling solution records every movement. It keeps track of all stored reels and component quantities automatically. A unique identification code ensures that the right component is always provided to the pick-and-place machine, or stored, making mix-ups virtually impossible. Return-to-storage is just as quick and convenient.

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