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Iris Upgrade 2024-06-27.pdf

Iris Upgrade 2024-06-27 State-of-the-art vision technology. Upgrade your Mycronic AOI. Accelerate inspection performance with Iris™. In the world of automotive and industrial electronics, the


LX to SX Upgrade 2024-06-25.pdf

LX to SX Upgrade 2024-06-25 More speed – instantly. Upgrade your placement machine. More throughput in the same footprint. With ever-growing demands for electronics, manufacturers must


Mycronic Group Quality and Environmental Policy version 2.pdf

Policy Mycronic Group i1 - public ID: 80018 Version: 2 Published: May 02, 2024 1 (1) Mycronic Group Quality and Environmental Policy Mycronic’s vision is to be the most


Mycronic Group Quality and Environmental Policy.pdf

Policy Mycronic Group i1 - public ID: 80018 Version: 2 Published: May 02, 2024 1 (1) Mycronic Group Quality and Environmental Policy Mycronic’s vision is to be the most


A9 plus Specification 04_2024.pdf

Latest Generation in advanced technology 8 ultra light carbon fiber test heads High performance linear motion Granit base for high accuracy and repeatability A9 plus Flying Probe Test


MRSI A-L 2 Page Brochure June 2024.pdf

MRSI-A-L ACTIVE ALIGNER MRSI, Mycronic has been serving optoelectronic customers for the past 40+ years and understands their requirement to scale efficiently in today’s fast-paced marketplace.


MRSI-M3 with Turret 6 page brochure August 2024 V2.pdf

Bringing tomorrow's electronics to life MRSI Systems (a part of Mycronic Group) is the leading manufacturer of fully automated, high-speed, high-precision and flexible eutectic and epoxy die



Remarkable precision for all the world’s displays Setting the global standards for displays The Prexision™ Evo series Prexision Evo series Remarkable precision for all the world’s displays



Maximize yield for mature semiconductor segment Tailor-made quality measurement The MMX™ series Custom-made optical measurement module Mycronic MMX series is equipped with bespoke


4012648 MYD brochure Dec 2021_lr.pdf

Precise and flexible dispensing systems MYSmart™ series MYD10™/MYD50™ in-line dispensers Introducing the MYD series Fully automated compact dispensing The MYSmart series o ers a wide range



16 Test Heads High Speed Direct Linear Drives for X and Z motion Light weight Carbon Z-Axis Fully Automatic “Lights-out” Operation Tension Shuttle System for thin core product Fast 300 mA


4076201 MYPro S30 Nov 2023.pdf

Precision stencil printing. Just got a lot faster. MYPro S30™ Stencil Printer Introducing the ground- breaking MYPro S30 series of stencil printers. Specifications MYPro S30™ STANDARD



8 Test Heads Fast Dual Shuttle System High Speed Direct Linear Drives for X and Z motion No Probe Marks Fast 300mA Kelvin Testing S2 plus Flying Probe Test System Double Sided Tester for



LM800 Series Picomat II Octal-Density Grid Test System Extra High Density Accuracy Economical Efficiency Automatic Optical Alignment Low Ohm Testing Test Field Size Maximum (X x Y)


CN_AB59831 MY300LX Specification March 2022_web.pdf

MYPro 系列 MY300LX™ 贴片机 技术指标 2022.3 AB59831 MY300LX Specification March 2022 version 2.indd 1AB59831 MY300LX Specification March 2022 version 2.indd 1 2022-03-09 11:09:052022-03-09 11:09:


4076200 A40DX Specification November 2023.pdf

MYPro series A40DX™ pick-and-place Specifications November 2023 Specifications MYPro series A40DX™ SYSTEM FEATURES A40DX On-the-fly mount order optimization Vision autoteach with snap-to-grid


4030824 MYPro I series 3D AOI brochure January 2024_lr.pdf

High-performance 3D AOI made simpler and faster Mycronic inspection solutions MYPro I™ series 3D AOI MYPro I series 3D AOI Put your inspection on autopilot At Mycronic, we’re on a mission to



Fully Automated Detection of PCB Manufacturing Tolerances Compatible with LM400 and LM800 Grid Test Systems 2 Telecentric Lenses with High Resolution Cameras Sniper Fully Automated Optical


Season's greetings from Mycronic.mp4


A7a Pro Specifications 04_2024.pdf

8 Test Heads High Speed Direct Linear Drives for X and Z motion Light weight Carbon Z-Axis Fully Automatic “Lights-out” Operation Tension Shuttle System for thin core product Fast 280 mA


A+M MYT brochure Mar. 2024.pdf

Simple and smart tabletop robots MYSmart™ series MYT10™/MYT50™ tabletop robots Introducing the MYT50 High-performance tabletop robots The MYSmart MYT50 is designed to tackle complex


A9a plus Specification 4_2024.pdf

Latest Generation in advanced technology 8 ultra light carbon fiber test heads Fully Automatic “Lights-out” operation High performance linear motion Granit base for high accuracy and


A9aL Specification 04_2024.pdf

Latest Generation in advanced technology 8 ultra light carbon fiber test heads Fully Automatic “Lights-out” operation High performance linear motion Granit base for high accuracy and


Notice to annual general meeting 2014.pdf

PRESS RELEASE 311E Notice of Annual General Meeting in Micronic Mydata The shareholders in Micronic Mydata AB (publ) are hereby given notice to attend the Annual General Meeting (


7. Revisorsutlåtande om ersättningar 2016.pdf


3. Postal voting form 2021.pdf

NOTIFICATION OF ATTENDANCE AND FORM FOR ADVANCE VOTING in accordance with 22 § of the act (2020:198) on temporary exceptions to facilitate the execution of general meetings in companies and


5. Styrelsens förslag till beslut om bemyndigande för styrelsen att besluta om förvärv av bolagets egna aktier (punkt 18) 2019.pdf

Punkt 18 Styrelsens förslag till bemyndigande för styrelsen att besluta om förvärv av bolagets egna aktier Förvärv av egna aktier Styrelsen bemyndigas att, under tiden


8. Styrelsens förslag till beslut om bemyndigande för styrelsen att fatta beslut om nyemission (punkt 17) 2018.pdf

Punkt 17 Styrelsens förslag till beslut om bemyndigande för styrelsen att fatta beslut om nyemission Nyemission Styrelsen föreslår att årsstämman bemyndigar styrelsen


7. Försiktighetsåtgärder vid Mycronics årsstämma med anledning av Covid-19 2020.pdf

Pressmeddelande Täby, 19 maj 2020 Försiktighetsåtgärder vid Mycronics årsstämma med anledning av Covid-19 Mycronic AB (publ) har beslutat att vidta försiktighetsåtgärder


5. Styrelsens yttrande om utdelning och återköp av egna aktier 2021.pdf

Styrelsens yttrande enligt 18 kap 4 § aktiebolagslagen samt 19 kap 22 § (2005:551) Styrelsen i Mycronic AB (publ), org nr 556351-2374 (”Bolaget”), får härmed i enlighet med 18