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Redeye - Brutala bruttomarginaler för Mycronic

Redeye - Brutala bruttomarginaler för Mycronic Mycronics Q4-rapport överraskade positivt både på försäljning och EBIT, som blev 657 MSEK och 230 MSEK, att jämföra


Redeye - Mönsterrapport från Mycronic

Redeye - Mönsterrapport från Mycronic Intäkterna och EBIT i Q3 på 604,9 och 261,9 MSEK krossade våra estimat med cirka 50 MSEK vardera. Den avancerade Prexision-maskritaren


Redeye: Uppdaterad analys av Mycronic

Redeye: Uppdaterad analys av Mycronic Vi finner det intressant att ordern är subventionerad av den kinesiska staten, vilket enligt oss borde motverka risken att de lokala, kinesiska kunderna


Våra pressmeddelanden

Läs de senaste pressmeddelandena från Mycronic. Vi formar framtiden för elektronik med passion, samarbete och mångfald. Läs mer om våra lösningar, produkter och


Om cookies

Om cookies / About cookies Cookies and technologies Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by the websites you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work,


Våra policies

Våra policies Code of Conduct Distributor Code of Conduct Supplier Code of Conduct Supplier Code of Conduct for Service providers and non-critical Suppliers Quality and environmental policy


Mycronic erhåller order på en SLX-maskritare

Mycronic AB (publ) har erhållit en order på en SLX-maskritare från en befintlig kund i Asien. Ordervärdet ligger i intervallet 7-9 MUSD. Systemet är planerat att levereras


Mycronic erhåller order på en SLX-maskritare

Mycronic AB (publ) har erhållit en order på en SLX-maskritare från en befintlig kund i Asien. Ordervärdet ligger i intervallet 7-9 MUSD. Systemet är planerat att levereras



Mycronics årsstämma hölls på huvudkontoret i Täby den 9 maj 2023. Årsstämma Bolagsstämma  Bolagsstämman är det högsta beslutande organet.



Ersättningsutskottet utses av styrelsen och består av tre styrelseledamöter. Ersättningsutskott Ersättningsutskottet utses av styrelsen och består av tre styrelseledamöter.



Utforska Mycronics vår sida för investerare. Ladda ned våra senaste finansiella rapporter, presentationer och läs mer om vår styrning, kommande evenemang samt



Strategi mot en hållbar framtid. Strategy Strategi Sustainable profitable growth We achieve sustainable and profitable growth both organically and through acquisitions. Organic growth is driven


Service & support

Service & support MYCare Services Superior service for superior performance Our MYCare service offering for our advanced Pattern Generators is a key part of our commitment to our customers.


Meet your new colleagues

Taking a proactive, customer-centric approach with your new colleages Meet your new colleagues Taking a proactive, customer-centric approach We always go to great lengths to ensure each customer



Career Available jobs About us Apprenticeship program See your future opportunities here See your future opportunities here. What we offer. Education for future industrial clerks, technical


About us at Bareboard testing

What we offer to our team members About us at Bareboard testing Flexible working time models with flextime accounts Additional social benefits: anniversary bonuses, commuting expenses, group


Apprenticeship program

Apprenticeship program Are you interested in an apprenticeship in an international company? At atg Luther & Maelzer in Wertheim, we offer apprenticeship programs for future industrial clerks,


Cars are smart phones on wheels – are you ready?

Learn how Mycronic’s solutions enable electronics manufacturers to capitalize on the growing demand for electric vehicles and their infotainment systems.


East and West: two ecosystems emerge

Mycronic is adapting to the changing global landscape of electronics production and leveraging its local presence in key markets across Asia, Europe, and the Americas.


Why technological growth leads to more cybercrime

Cybercrime will cost companies worldwide $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. Read about how Mycronic contributes to cyber security and data protection in the electronics industry.


Decreasing the environmental impact of the SLX mask writer

Multibeams to camera Decreasing the environmental impact of the SLX mask writer - through product life cycle analysis When a product is manufactured, it goes through a life cycle that starts with


Big data means big potential

Big data means big potential - AI Big data means big potential Mycronic’s new collaborative Center for Deep Learning in Electronics Manufacturing (CDLe) in San Jose, California is focused on deep


Mycronic France

Mycronic France Mycronic France Mycronic S.A.S 1 rue de Traversière 94513 Rungis Cedex 1 France +33 1 41 80 15 80 +33 1 46 86 77 89 Mycronic, 1 Rue Traversière, 94150 Rungis, France Yes,


Mycronic Japan

Mycronic Japan Mycronic Tokyo Mycronic Technologies Corporation KDX Chofu Bldg. 1-18-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi 182-0021 Tokyo Japan +81 42 433 9400 +81 42 443 0015 Mycronic, Japan Yes, please contact


Mycronic Mexico

Mexico Mycronic in Plaza Epicentra, San Juan de Ocotan, Mexico Carretera Guadalajara-Tepic No. 7355 – 308 Plaza Epicentra Z.C. 45019 San Juan de Ocotan Zapopan, Jalisco Mexico Carr. Guadalajara -


PCB assembly solutions

Mycronic offers advanced PCB assembly solutions to help streamline the manufacturing process. Our solutions are designed with precision and accuracy in mind, and are built to ensure maximum


Dispensing and coating

Mycronic’s jet printing, dispensing, coating and plasma technologies make it possible to solve any dispensing or conformal coating challenge.


Conformal coating

Protecting electronics assemblies are growing in complexity. Capability, versatility and precision are key.


Process software

The richest smt software suite in the industry. Provides fully integrated applications covering the entire chain Enhance your productivity of SMT assembly.



Solutions PCB assembly solutions Case stories Mycronic offers advanced PCB assembly solutions to help streamline the manufacturing process. Our solutions are designed with precision and accuracy