2. Kallelse - kompletterande förslag från valberedningen förslag till styrelse 2016.pdf
PRESS RELEASE 369S Årsstämma i Mycronic – kompletterande förslag från Valberedningen Täby, 12 april 2016 – Vid tiden för kallelsen den 31 mars 2016 var valberedningens
9. Styrelsens förslag om återköp av aktier 2016.pdf
Punkt 18 Styrelsens förslag till beslut om bemyndigande för styrelsen att fatta beslut om förvärv av egna aktier Förvärv av egna aktier Styrelsen bemyndigas att, under
3. Poströstningsformulär (att posta) 2023.pdf
Mycronic AB (publ) årsstämma tisdag 9 maj 2023 Formulär för poströstning Formuläret ska vara Computershare AB (som administrerar årsstämman och formulären
11. VDs anförande vid årsstämman 2016.pdf
Mycronic Årsstämma 2016 3 maj 2016 Enabling the future of electronics Lena Olving, VD och koncernchef Det här är Mycronic 3 års erfarenhet av innovation medarbetare i
10. VD:s anförande vid årsstämman 2017.pdf
Enabling the future of electronics VD-anförande, av Lena Olving 1 2016 – Ett rekordår för Mycronic Rekordstark efterfrågan Tillväxt 28%
ANNUAL AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018 The business partner of choice, enabling the future of electronics OVERVIEW Mycronic in brief Overview and strategy Mycronic in brief 1 Mycronic in
9. Protokoll årsstämma 2021 med bilagor.pdf
Proxy The proxy stated below is hereby authorized to vote for all of the undersigned shareholder’s shares in Mycronic AB (publ), corp. id. no. 556351-2374, at the Annual General Meeting in
Remuneration report 2023.pdf
REMUNERATION REPORT 2023 Introduction This remuneration report provides an overview of how Mycronic’s guidelines for remuneration to members of the executive management, which were
Bolagsstyrningsrapport 2013.pdf
Ansvar och styrning – Bolagsstyrning24 Micronic Mydata AB är ett svenskt publikt aktiebolag noterat på NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. Företaget följer Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning
Corporate governance report 2017.pdf
Report of the directors38 Mycronic • Annual and Sustainability Report 2017 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT The objective of corporate governance is to ensure that the Mycronic Group is managed as
ANNUAL AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018 The business partner of choice, enabling the future of electronics OVERVIEW Mycronic in brief Overview and strategy Mycronic in brief 1 Mycronic in
ÅRS- OCH HÅLLBARHETSREDOVISNING 2018 The business partner of choice, enabling the future of electronics ÖVERSIKT Mycronic i korthet Översikt och strategi Mycronic i korthet 1 Mycronic
Annual and sustainability report 2019.pdf
ANNUAL AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019 Enabling the future of electronics Overview and strategy 1 Mycronic in brief 2 The year in brief 4 CEO comments 6 Strategy: Developments in the
A7-16 Pro Specifications 02_2023.pdf
16 Test Heads 20 % higer mechanical speed than A7-16 Light weight Carbon Z-Axis Test System for oversized panels up to 1000 mm Fast 300 mA Kelvin Testing A7-16 Pro Flying Probe Test System For
S2-8 Specification 10_2021.pdf
8 Test Heads Fast Dual Shuttle System High Speed Direct Linear Drives for X and Z motion No Probe Marks Fast 300mA Kelvin Testing S2-8 Flying Probe Test System Double Sided Tester for Packages
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High precision die bonding for photonics packaging Scott Trask, Khushwant Singh, Newport Corporation, 1821 E. Dyer Road, Santa Ana, CA 92705 Dan Crowley, Peter Cronin Newport MRSI, 101
High-volume manufacturing (HVM) of chip-on-submount (CoS) challenges and solutions.pdf
3030 Chip Scale Review July • August • 2017 [] High-volume manufacturing (HVM) of chip-on-submount (CoS): challenges and solutions By Daniel F. Crowley, Peter Cronin [
Infostone Interview with MRSI Systems 2021 (Chinese).pdf
专访MRSI Systems: MRSI将在深圳新建产品展示中心,助力中国光电子行业的快速发展 ICC讯 3月 17-19日,2021慕尼黑上海光博会在上海新国际博览中心盛大举行。来自激 光、光电、光学行业的国内外专家、知名厂商齐聚于此,交流最先进的光电科学技术,聚焦 中国光电产业的发展。展会期间,讯石参观了全球领先贴片设备商 MRSI Systems 在W2馆 2587的展台,并对
Infostone Interview with MRSI Systems 2021 English.pdf
Interview with MRSI Systems: MRSI will build a new DEMO Center in Shenzhen China to support the rapid development of China's photonics industry Transfer from Infostone Released on :2021/3/26
Axxon 14001 certificate .pdf
Certificate of Registration 环境管理体系 - ISO 14001:2015 兹证明: 深圳市轴心自控技术有限公司 91440300682020147E 中国 广东省 深圳市 龙华区 观澜街道大富社区桂月路334号 硅谷动力汽车电子创业园A15栋101、201及 A14栋整栋 邮编:518040 Shenzhen Axxon Automation Co.,
CN_AB59825 MY300 brochure Dec 2021_web.pdf
占地面积更小 业务量增加 MYPro 系列 MY300™ 贴片机 AB59825 MY300 brochure Dec 2021.indd 1AB59825 MY300 brochure Dec 2021.indd 1 2022-01-25 11:14:592022-01-25 11:14:59 SMT生产的未来完全不可预测。 随着装配计划不断发生变化,新
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4 0 6 14 6 2 R E V 0 0 0 0 / D E C E M B E R 2 0 21 Automated industrial dispensing for a rugged world MYSmart™ series MYC60™ MYC60 PLUS 1-part pumps 1,100x500x120mm (XxYxZ) 2-
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MYPro series MY300EX™ pick-and-place Specifications March 2022 Specifications MYPro series MY300EX™ SYSTEM FEATURES MY300EX On-the-fly mount order optimization Vision autoteach with
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Simple and smart tabletop robots MYSmart™ series MYT10™/MYT50™ tabletop robotsMYSmart™ series MYT10™/MYT50™/MYT50™ ™ tabletop robots Introducing the MYT50 High-performance tabletop robots
8 Test Heads Pneumatic Tension Shuttle for Flex and Inner layer handling Fast 300 mA Kelvin Testing A5 Neo Flying Probe Test System For Rigid and Flexible Boards A5 Neo Technical
4068134 MYPro Connect brochure 2022_lr.pdf
Full factory connectivity Zero custom integration MYPro Connect™ Factory connectivity has never been simpler. With MYPro Connect, you can connect any MYPro series SMT equipment to any enterprise
MYNewsA magazine from Mycronic The new MYPro I series 3D AOI Programming just got simpler AUTOMATED INDUSTRIAL DISPENSING for a rugged world Change is coming. IS YOUR FACTORY PREPARED?
Mycronic 期刊 MYNews 全新的 MYPro I 系列 3D AOI 编程更简单 变革将至。 您的工厂准备好了吗? 2022.01 ADDRESS: Mycronic AB, Nytorpsvägen 9, PO Box 3141, SE-183 03 Täby, Sweden TEL: +46 8 638 52 00
MYNews 2015.01 – page 1 MYNewsAn SMT magazine from Mycronic 2015.01 Full partnership at full speed A passion for MAKING A DIFFERENCE FEEDBACK – the key to improving performance MYNews