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Kontakt Investerare Kontakt Sven Chetkovich Director Investor Relations E-post: helloir@mycronic.com Telefon: 070 558 39 19


Välkommen till årsstämma i Mycronic AB (publ)

Välkommen till årsstämma i Mycronic AB (publ) Aktieägarna i Mycronic AB (publ) kallas till årsstämma torsdagen den 25 juni 2020, klockan 10:00 i Industrisalen, Näringslivets


Bokslutskommuniké januari-december 2021

Fjärde kvartalet · Orderingången uppgick till 1 234 (865) MSEK, en ökning med 43 procent · Nettoomsättningen ökade med 30 procent till 1 295 (992) MSEK. Baserat


Delårsrapport januari-juni 2020

Delårsrapport januari-juni 2020 Andra kvartalet Orderingången uppgick till 651 (901) MSEK, en minskning med 28 procent Nettoomsättningen uppgick till 1 086 (1 120) MSEK, en minskning


Mycronic erhåller order på en SLX-maskritare

Mycronic AB (publ) har erhållit en order på en SLX-maskritare från en ny kund i Asien. Ordervärdet ligger i intervallet 4-6 MUSD. Systemet är planerat att levereras under


Mycronic erhåller order på tre SLX-maskritare

Mycronic erhåller order på tre SLX-maskritare Mycronic AB (publ) har erhållit en order på tre SLX-maskritare från en befintlig kund i Asien. Ordervärdet ligger i intervallet


Inbjudan till presentation av Mycronics bokslutskommuniké 2021

Inbjudan till presentation av Mycronics bokslutskommuniké 2021 Analytiker, investerare och media bjuds in till presentationen av Mycronics bokslutskommuniké 2021. Presentationen sker den


Mycronic publicerar års- och hållbarhetsredovisning 2022

Mycronic AB (publ) publicerar idag sin års- och hållbarhetsredovisning 2022, vilken kan laddas ner i pdf-format från bolagets webbplats, www.mycronic.com.


Ledningsförändring i Mycronic

Ledningsförändring i Mycronic Anette Mullis, Senior Vice President Human Resources och medlem i Mycronics koncernledning, har beslutat sig för att lämna Mycronic för en tjänst


Redeye: Mycronic - Kronisk tillväxt

Redeye: Mycronic - Kronisk tillväxt Vi har uppdaterat vår Mycronic-analys efter bolagets bokslutskommuniké. Läs mer och ladda ned analysen: http://bit.ly/2H47XjA Börja



Produktområden Kretskortsmontering Fotomaskritare Dispensering och lackering Testsystem för mönsterkort Die bonding Photonics Interconnects Kretskortsmontering Fotomaskritare Dispensering



Axxon Mycronic creates coating systems Axxon Mycronic is a leading, global supplier of innovative and production-ready, dispense and conformal coating systems. Expertly designed for to perform in


Hållbara lösningar

As a global supplier of production equipment to the electronics industry, act responsibly As a global supplier of production equipment to the electronics industry, Mycronic acts responsibly


Behandling av personuppgifter

Privacy Behandling av personuppgifter Content Introduction Personal data processing Your rights Information about children Sensitive personal data and personal identification numbers Sources of


Mer information om personuppgifter

Content Applications for recruitment Open positions subscription Registration to alter/update job applications Customer service Invitations to events and newsletters Direct marketing Investor



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Case story: Going beyond with HONOR

Skating fast Case story: Going beyond with HONOR The tempo of business in China is lightning fast. But if you are responsive and go a step beyond, the rewards can be great, as the Assembly


hosting Swedish Minister for Education and Tekniksprånget at Täby

Showcasing student career exploration: Mycronic hosted the Swedish Minister for Education and Tekniksprånget Yesterday, we welcomed Mats Persson, the Swedish Minister for Education, and


Proud to be a member of Diversity Charter Sweden!

Mycronic is a member of Diversity Charter Sweden, a network that promotes diversity and inclusion in the workplace.


Mycronic is breaking ground for a new facility in Germany

Mycronic is breaking ground for a new facility in Germany In need of a bigger and better optimized facility, the headquarters for Mycronic PCB Test business line in Wertheim will relocate from


Welcome to our new website

Welcome to our new website We are currently upgrading our website and have made some changes to the structure. On mycronic.com you will find investor information, career opportunities and a


Innovation is our rocket fuel

Mycronic headquarter in Täby, Stockholm, Sweden Interview with new Mycronic CEO Anders Lindqvist Innovation is our rocket fuel A TRUE INTERNATIONALIST WITH A GLOBAL TRACK RECORD of growing


Mycronic Vietnam

Mycronic Vietnam Mycronic in Vietnam Axxon (Vietnam) Automation Co. Ltd 4th Floor Bac Ninh Mitsubishi tower, Le Thai To road, Vo Cuong Ward 16000 Bac Ninh Bac Ninh city Vietnam +84 917681710


Axxon China

Axxon China Mycronic, Shenzhen Axxon Shenzhen Axxon Automation Co., Ltd A14 Building, Silicon Valley Power Automotive Innovation Park, Guanlan Guiyue Road No.334 , 518110 Long Hua district,


Mycronic atg Luther & Maelzer GmbH (HQ)

atg Luther & Maelzer GmbH (HQ) atg Luther & Maelzer GmbH (HQ) Zum Schlag 3 97877 Wertheim Germany +49 9342 291 0 (Reception) Zum Schlag 3 97877 Wertheim Germany Yes, please contact me



Meet with our experienced Applications Engineers to learn more about how to develop and design processes. We can also help to test the process for you on our industry-leading die bonders.


atg Luther & Maelzer, part of Mycronic Inc.

atg Luther & Maelzer, part of Mycronic Inc. Mycronic, USA, Tewksbury 554 Clark Road 01876 Tewksbury, MA USA +1 909 374 1302 Mycronic, 554 Clark Road, Tewksbury, MA 01876


atg Luther & Maelzer GmbH (HQ)

atg Luther & Maelzer GmbH (HQ) Zum Schlag 3 97877 Wertheim Germany +49 9342 291 0 (Reception), +49 9342 291 420 (Service department) Zum Schlag 3 97877 Wertheim Germany


MRSI receives Laser Focus World Silver Award for MRSI-H-HPLD Die Bonder

die-bonding MRSI receives Laser Focus World Silver Award for MRSI-H-HPLD Die Bonder MRSI receives Laser Focus World Silver Award for MRSI-H-HPLD Die Bonder MRSI Systems (Mycronic Group), a


Supplier Code of Conduct

ID: 80370 | Version: 3 | Published: May 14, 2024 Mycronic group Supplier Code of Conduct The purpose of this Supplier Code of Conduct (“SCoC”) is to outline the minimum ethical standards and