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A9a plus Specification 9_2022.pdf

Latest Generation in advanced technology 8 ultra light carbon fiber test heads Fully Automatic “Lights-out” operation High performance linear motion Granit base for high accuracy and


S2-16 plus Specification 4_2023.pdf

16 Test Heads Fast Dual Shuttle System High Speed Direct Linear Drives for X and Z motion No Probe Marks Fast 300mA Kelvin Testing S2-16 plus Flying Probe Test System Double Sided Tester for


Automating RF PA Device Manufacturing (Chinese).pdf

射频功率放大器的自动化生产加速 5G无线网络的推广 作者:周利民 Julius R. Ortega 翻译:赵晓明 [MRSI Systerm, Mycronic Group] 5G 无线网络的成功推广,主要是基于超大规模数量基站布局,这些基站的射频(RF)功率 放大器(PA)与上一代 4G 技术相比密度更高。每一个 5G 的基站都具有更多的信道,而每





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A7-16 Pro Specifications 02_2023.pdf

16 Test Heads 20 % higer mechanical speed than A7-16 Light weight Carbon Z-Axis Test System for oversized panels up to 1000 mm Fast 300 mA Kelvin Testing A7-16 Pro Flying Probe Test System For


A9 Specification 11_2021.pdf

Latest Generation in advanced technology 8 ultra light carbon fiber test heads High performance linear motion Granit base for high accuracy and repeatability A9 Flying Probe Test System


A9a Specification 11_2021.pdf

Latest Generation in advanced technology 8 ultra light carbon fiber test heads Fully Automatic “Lights-out” operation High performance linear motion Granit base for high accuracy and


LM400 Picomat II Specification 9_2021.pdf

LM400 Series Picomat II Double and Quad Density Grid Test System Medium to High Density Accuracy Economical Efficiency Automatic Optical Alignment Low Ohm Testing Front View Side View 14


CN_4033153 MY300EX Specification March 2022_web.pdf

MYPro 系列 MY300EX™ 贴片机 技术指标 2022.3 4033153 MY300EX Specification March 2022.indd 14033153 MY300EX Specification March 2022.indd 1 2022-03-09 11:00:532022-03-09 11:00:53 MYPro 系列 MY300EX



Latest Generation in advanced technology 8 ultra light carbon fiber test heads Fully Automatic “Lights-out” operation High performance linear motion Granit base for high accuracy and



High-productivity, high-precision conformal coating systems MYSmart™ series MYC50™ in-line coating Introducing the MYC50 platform High-performance conformal coating systems As electronics



实现全工厂连接 无需定制化集成 MYPro Connect™ 工厂连接从未如此简单。使用MYPro Connect,您可以将任何MYPro系列 SMT设备连接到任何企业系统,同时完全掌控成本。无需内部定制。没有冗 长的实施过程。并且不存在未来中断问题。无论您的工业4.0战略是什么,只 需一个即插即用的标准IPC-CFX接口。 施还是改进集中监控,MYPro Connect



LM1000 Universal Grid System for step testing Octal Density Universal Grid System Granite based Mechanics for Highest Accuracy Fully automatic Optical Alignment Quick & easy fixture set up


AB59827 MY300DX Specification March 2022_lr.pdf

MYPro series MY300DX™ pick-and-place Specifications March 2022 Specifications MYPro series MY300DX™ SYSTEM FEATURES MY300DX On-the-fly mount order optimization Vision autoteach with


Notice to annual general meeting 2015.pdf

PRESS RELEASE 336E Notice of Annual General Meeting in Mycronic The shareholders in Mycronic AB (publ) are hereby given notice to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM), to be held on


3. Auditors' statement on remuneration 2013.pdf

Translation of Swedish original Auditor’s opinion under Chapter 8 Section 54 of the Swedish Compa- nies Act (2005:551) as to whether the guidelines of the annual general meeting on the


4. Valberedningens förslag om inrättande av valberedning 2016.pdf

Punkt 16 Valberedningens förslag till årsstämman den 3 maj 2016 i Mycronic AB (publ) om inrättande av valberedning inför 2017 års årsstämma Valberedningen


6. Styrelsens förslag om återköp av egna aktier 2014.pdf

Styrelsens yttrande enligt 18 kap 4 § samt 19 kap 22 § aktiebolagslagen (2005:551) Styrelsen i Micronic Mydata AB (publ), org nr 556351-2374 (”Bolaget”), får härmed i enlighet


7. Revisorsyttrande om ersättningar 2013.pdf

ABCD Revisorsyttrande enligt 8 kap. 54 § aktiebolagslagen (2005:551) om huruvida årsstämmans riktlinjer om ersättningar till ledande befatt- ningshavare har följts Till årsstämman


5. Styrelsens riktlinjer för ersättningar 2013.pdf

Antagen vid styrelsemöte # 214, 2/2013 Styrelsens förslag till riktlinjer för ersättning till ledande befattningshavare 2013 Styrelsens förslag till riktlinjer för


8. Styrelsens förslag om förvärv av egna aktier 2014.pdf

Styrelsens förslag till beslut om; bemyndigande för styrelsen att fatta beslut om förvärv av egna aktier Förvärv av egna aktier Styrelsen bemyndigas att, under tiden


6. Styrelsens redovisning av ersättningar 2013.pdf

Styrelsens redovisning av utvärdering av ersättningar till ledande befattningshavare Ersättningsutskottet inom styrelsen för Micronic Mydata AB (publ) består av styrelsens



MYNewsA magazine from Mycronic 2018.01 One step closer to perfect FACTORY IN A BOX! – how to set up a factory in your backyard in just a few hours XLR8 – space for growth MYNews 2018.01 –



8 Test Heads High Speed Direct Linear Drives for X and Z motion Light weight Carbon Z-Axis Fully Automatic “Lights-out” Operation Tension Shuttle System for thin core product Fast 300 mA


8. Presentation från bolagsstämma 2013.pdf

Micronic Mydata Årsstämma 2013 Lars Josefsson, VD och koncernchef 6 maj 2013 Agenda • Micronic Mydata – för produktion av elektronik • Verksamhetsåret 2012 • Micronic Mydatas


A+M MYC brochure Mar 2024.pdf

High-productivity, high-precision conformal coating systems MYSmart™ MYC50™ in-line coating Introducing the MYC50 platform High-performance conformal coating systems As electronics continually


Annual and Sustainability Report 2019.pdf

ANNUAL AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019 Enabling the future of electronics Overview and strategy 1 Mycronic in brief 2 The year in brief 4 CEO comments 6 Strategy: Developments in the


1. Notice to annual general meeting 2019.pdf

Press release Täby, 4 April, 2019 Welcome to the Annual General meeting in Mycronic AB (publ) The shareholders in Mycronic AB (publ) are hereby given notice to attend the annual



4 Test Heads Single Sided Test with Vacuum Table High Speed Direct Linear Drives for X and Z motion No Probe Marks Optical auto focus Microscope Lenses Fast 300 mA Kelvin Testing S3 Flying