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CN_4033153 MY300EX Specification March 2022_web.pdf

MYPro 系列 MY300EX™ 贴片机 技术指标 2022.3 4033153 MY300EX Specification March 2022.indd 14033153 MY300EX Specification March 2022.indd 1 2022-03-09 11:00:532022-03-09 11:00:53 MYPro 系列 MY300EX


AB59827 MY300DX Specification March 2022_lr.pdf

MYPro series MY300DX™ pick-and-place Specifications March 2022 Specifications MYPro series MY300DX™ SYSTEM FEATURES MY300DX On-the-fly mount order optimization Vision autoteach with


4033152 MY300HX Specification March 2022_lr.pdf

MYPro series MY300HX™ pick-and-place Specifications March 2022 Specifications MYPro series MY300HX™ SYSTEM FEATURES MY300HX On-the-fly mount order optimization Vision autoteach with



MYNewsA magazine from Mycronic 2018.01 One step closer to perfect FACTORY IN A BOX! – how to set up a factory in your backyard in just a few hours XLR8 – space for growth MYNews 2018.01 –


8. Presentation från bolagsstämma 2013.pdf

Micronic Mydata Årsstämma 2013 Lars Josefsson, VD och koncernchef 6 maj 2013 Agenda • Micronic Mydata – för produktion av elektronik • Verksamhetsåret 2012 • Micronic Mydatas


A+M MYC brochure Mar 2024.pdf

High-productivity, high-precision conformal coating systems MYSmart™ MYC50™ in-line coating Introducing the MYC50 platform High-performance conformal coating systems As electronics continually


3. Auditors' statement on remuneration 2013.pdf

Translation of Swedish original Auditor’s opinion under Chapter 8 Section 54 of the Swedish Compa- nies Act (2005:551) as to whether the guidelines of the annual general meeting on the


7. Revisorsyttrande om ersättningar 2013.pdf

ABCD Revisorsyttrande enligt 8 kap. 54 § aktiebolagslagen (2005:551) om huruvida årsstämmans riktlinjer om ersättningar till ledande befatt- ningshavare har följts Till årsstämman


CN_AB59821 MY700 brochure September 2021_web.pdf

一个多功能平台 实现两种可能 MYPro 系列 MY700™ 锡膏喷印机与喷射点胶机 AB59821 MY700 brochure September 2021.indd 1AB59821 MY700 brochure September 2021.indd 1 2022-03-18 13:21:032022-03-18 13:21:03 SMT生产的未来完全不可预测。



ÅRS- OCH HÅLLBARHETSREDOVISNING 2018 The business partner of choice, enabling the future of electronics ÖVERSIKT Mycronic i korthet Översikt och strategi Mycronic i korthet 1 Mycronic


2. Remuneration report 2021.pdf

REMUNERATION REPORT 2021 Introduction This remuneration report provides an overview of how Mycronic’s guidelines for remuneration to members of the executive management, which were


7. Postal voting form 2022.pdf

Mycronic AB (publ) Annual General Meeting Thursday 5 May 2022 Form for advance voting The form shall be received by Computershare AB (who administrates Annual General Meeting and the forms for


1. Kallelse till årsstämma 2022.pdf

Pressmeddelande Täby, 24 mars 2022 Kallelse till årsstämma i Mycronic AB (publ) Aktieägarna i Mycronic AB (publ) kallas härmed till årsstämma torsdagen den


2. Ersättningsrapport 2021.pdf

ERSÄTTNINGSRAPPORT 2021 Inledning Denna ersättningsrapport tillhandahåller en översikt över hur Mycronics ersättningsriktlinjer till medlemmar i koncernledningen,


7. Nomination committee’s statement 2023.pdf

The Nomination Committee’s statement to its proposed Board of Directors of Mycronic AB (publ), reg. no. 556351-2374 for the Annual General Meeting on May 9, 2023 Background The Nomination


12. Protokoll årsstämma 2023 med bilagor.pdf


5. Ersättningsrapport 2022.pdf

ERSÄTTNINGSRAPPORT 2022 1 (4) ERSÄTTNINGSRAPPORT 2022 Inledning Denna ersättningsrapport tillhandahåller en översikt över hur Mycronics ersättningsriktlinjer


Nomination Committee’s statement.pdf

The Nomination Committee’s statement to its proposed Board of Directors of Mycronic AB (publ), reg. no. 556351-2374 for the Annual General Meeting on May 8, 2024 Background The Nomination



Fullmakt Härmed befullmäktigas nedanstående ombud att rösta för samtliga undertecknades aktier i Mycronic AB (publ), 556351-2374, vid årsstämma i Mycronic AB


Corporate governance report 2013.pdf

Responsibility and control – Corporate governance24 Micronic Mydata AB is a Swedish public company listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. The company has complied with the Swedish Code for Corporate


Corporate governance report 2021.pdf

54 GROUP / BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND AUDITOR Arun Bansal Board member since 2020 Born 1968 Independent Board member Deputy CEO, and President of Europe and Latin America at Ericsson Education


Annual and sustainability report 2019.pdf

ANNUAL AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2019 Enabling the future of electronics Overview and strategy 1 Mycronic in brief 2 The year in brief 4 CEO comments 6 Strategy: Developments in the



GRI Appendix 2018 — complement to the Annual and Sustainability Report GRI APPENDIX 2018 Mycronic | Complement to the Annual and Sustainability Report 20182 About this report Mycronic’s


Annual and sustainability report 2020.pdf

Annual and Sustainability Report 2020 Bringing tomorrow’s electronics to life Bringing tomorrow’s electronics to life Electronics touch every corner of our lives. At Mycronic, we


Annual report 2020.pdf

Annual and Sustainability Report 2020 Bringing tomorrow’s electronics to life Bringing tomorrow’s electronics to life Electronics touch every corner of our lives. At Mycronic, we


Annual and sustainability report 2021.pdf

i DENTOR SUM VENDIT Annual and Sustainability Report 2021 OVERVIEW / PURPOSE AND MISSION Bringing tomorrow’s electronics to life Overview Purpose & mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Års- och hållbarhetsredovisning 2022.pdf

Års- och hållbarhetsredovisning 2022 Den reviderade års- och koncernredovisningen finns på sidorna 18–27, 36–45, 52–100. Förvaltningsberättelsen är en del av årsredovisningen



This is an in-house translation of the Swedish original that was adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 5 May, 2021 ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION for Mycronic AB (publ) (Reg. No. 556351-2374)


LM1000 Specifications 1_2023.pdf

LM1000 Universal Grid System for step testing Octal Density Universal Grid System Granite based Mechanics for Highest Accuracy Fully automatic Optical Alignment Quick & easy fixture set up


S3-8 Specification 3_2023.pdf

8 Test Heads Double Sided Test System High Speed Direct Linear Drives for X and Z motion Vacuum table optional No Probe Marks Optical auto focus Microscope Lenses Fast 300 mA Kelvin Testing